Tuesday, January 31, 2017

What is Plantar Fasciitis and How Do I Treat It?

Does your day start off each morning with foot pain? You may have plantar fasciitis, an overuse injury that affects the sole of the foot. A diagnosis of plantar fasciitis means you have inflamed the tough, fibrous band of tissue (fascia) connecting your heel bone to the base of your toes. People with flat feet or very high arches are prone to this condition, which may become chronic if left untreated. If it becomes a serious issue, you may not be able to keep up with your current level of activity, or you may even develop foot, knee, hip, and back problems because plantar fasciitis can change your posture and the way you walk. Most people can recover from plantar fasciitis with just rest and extra arch support (like shoe inserts), but that isn’t the case for everybody. Here are some common treatment options for plantar fasciitis:

Stretching is one of the best methods for treating plantar fasciitis. Here is a simple yet effective home stretching program geared specifically towards plantar fasciitis from the American Orthopaedic Foot & Ankle Society:
  1. Cross your affected leg over your other leg.
  2. Using the hand on your affected side, take hold of your affected foot and pull your toes back towards shin. This creates tension/stretch in the arch of the foot/plantar fascia.
  3. Check for the appropriate stretch position by gently rubbing the thumb of your unaffected side left to right over the arch of the affected foot. The plantar fascia should feel firm, like a guitar string.
  4. Hold the stretch for a count of 10. A set is 10 repetitions.

While there are no prescription drugs specifically for plantar fasciitis, your doctor may recommend an anti-inflammatory medication such as ibuprofen or naproxen. These medications can help decrease the inflammation in the arch and heel of your foot, and are available over-the-counter.

Arch Support
You may first want to try over-the-counter shoe inserts that provide added arch support and a soft cushion. If those fail to alleviate your symptoms, you may require custom inserts for the individual needs of your foot.

If the above methods fail to alleviate your foot pain, consider a chiropractor! Chiropractic care may help your condition by addressing some of the contributing causes. An experienced chiropractor can help adjust your alignment and posture, and since poor posture does contribute to plantar fasciitis, this could help alleviate your symptoms. If you are ready to try chiropractic care to see if it can help with your foot pain, call Arndt Chiropractic Center today at 563-332-2211 or visit our website for more information.

Plantar Fasciitis

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