Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Treating Scoliosis Using Chiropractic Medicine

Scoliosis is a condition of the spine that can cause a great deal of pain and discomfort for those who suffer from it. It is defined as a sideways curvature of the spine (sometimes patients can suffer from multiple curvatures). The most common deformations are in the shape of an “S” or “C,” and occur in about 80 percent of patients who have a curvature of less than 20 degrees.

The cause of these curvatures is generally not known, however some cases (about 20%) can be the result of a neurological disorder, severe trauma or a mass or growth on the spine. The most common form of scoliosis is called postural. Common side effects of this from of the condition include poor posture, muscle spasms in the back and legs and significant length differences in a patient’s legs.

Symptoms of Scoliosis
scoliosisIn the most severe cases, scoliosis can be a very painful condition. Some common symptoms include pain, decreased range of motion and in acute cases patients can also suffer from reduced lung function and even heart issues. The onset of symptoms is often during the high growth periods of adolescence, and because the rapid growth during these years, curvature severity can intensify quickly.  The most common diagnostic techniques for identifying scoliosis include physical examination and x-rays.  

Chiropractic and Scoliosis
Traditional medical treatments for scoliosis include observation, wearing a back brace for an extended period of time, or surgical procedures to correct the condition. Individuals who suffer from the scoliosis also look to chiropractic solutions to avoid these more invasive procedures.

Chiropractic medicine can be an effective way to reduce the pain and discomfort of scoliosis.  Some studies have found that patients who undergo regular chiropractic treatments might also have curvature reductions. Chiropractic treatment plans for scoliosis typically include a combination of spinal manipulation, electric muscle stimulation and therapeutic exercise routines. These non-invasive treatments often help reduce a patient’s level of pain significantly and can even improve range of motion and other associated issues.

If you are someone you know suffers from scoliosis, contact the professionals at Arndt Chiropractic Center to develop a care plan that could help minimize pain and discomfort. 

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